Bảng tuyển dụng Boule et Billes

Xem các vị trí đang tuyển tại Trường Quốc tế Pháp Boule et Billes

Giáo viên tiếng Anh

1 vị trí đang tuyển

Position available starting from September 2025


  • Native English-speaking Preschool and Primary School Teacher
  • Bachelor's degree in Education
  • 3+ years of relevant experience in education
  • Ability to collaborate with a French teacher
  • Proficient in using digital tools in the classroom and with the team
  • Eager to grow in a French international environment
  • Knowledge of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Key Abilities and Professional Expectations

  • Flexible, proactive, and dynamic with strong communication and teamwork skills
  • Creative thinker committed to developing pedagogical projects
  • Mastery of English (native or C2-level) with extensive knowledge of educational programs
  • Strong interest in teaching young children and teamwork-oriented

Appreciated additional elements

  • Experience in a bilingual environment
  • Skills in areas benefiting children (e.g., sport, theatre, music)
  • Experience with pupils with special educational needs
  • Innovative teaching practices for student development
  • Mastery of the French curriculum and pedagogical programs
  •  Knowledge of French is a plus


183-183A Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 15
Quận Bình Thạnh, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Việt Nam
12/12/2024 06:03:26

Primary school teacher

1 vị trí đang tuyển

Poste susceptible d'être vacant en Septembre 2025

Missions et responsabilités :

  • Enseigner aux élèves les apprentissages premiers et fondamentaux (langage, écriture, ...) ou les matières d'enseignement général (français, mathématiques, histoire, géographie,) selon les programmes d'enseignement nationaux français (AEFE)
  • Appliquer le projet d’école Boules & Billes en vigueur
  • Communiquer avec les parents
  • Parcitiper activement à la vie d'école et promouvoir les offres educatives de l'ecole.

Principales attributions :

  • Maîtriser les savoirs disciplinaires et leurs didactiques
  • Construire, réaliser et animer des situations d'enseignement et d'apprentissage
  • Prendre en compte la diversité des élèves
  • Proposer un travail différencié si nécessaire
  • Elaborer des projets particuliers en fonction des besoins (PPRE, PAP, PPS ou PAI) et proposer des équipes éducatives
  • Etre à l’écoute des élèves et des parents
  • Générer une dynamique de groupe propice à l'apprentissage et à la socialisation
  • Évaluer les progrès et les acquisitions des élèves
  • Contribuer à l'action de la communauté éducative
  • Intégrer les éléments de la culture numérique dans l’exercice de son métier
  • S’impliquer dans la vie de l’établissement et développer des projets de niveaux et de cycles
  • Éveiller la curiosité des enfants
  • Surveiller les élèves, sous leur responsabilité pendant la journée
  • Participer à la vie de l’école, en dehors du temps de classe (réunions, travaux en équipe, etc.)
  • Corriger des copies et l'évaluation des progrès des élèves
  • Détecter les difficultés chez les enfants, le plus tôt possible, en identifiant un retard ou des problèmes scolaires ou familiaux (harcèlement, maltraitance, sommeil, et.)
  • Communiquer avec les parents d’élèves (projets de classes, sorties, évènements)

183-183A Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 15
Quận Bình Thạnh, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Việt Nam
12/12/2024 06:03:39

Giáo viên nhà trẻ

1 vị trí đang tuyển

Position expected to be vacant in February 2025

Missions and Responsibilities

  • Conduct stimulating activities and provide care that supports the child's well-being, autonomy, and development.
  • Ensure a reassuring, stimulating, and clean environment, working within a multidisciplinary team, and contribute to the educational project's creation and implementation.
  • Establish emotional security so that both children and their parents feel respected and valued in the community.
  • Ensure continuity of care, helping children grow emotionally, physically, and psychomotorically.

Main Duties

  • Ensure the health, safety, well-being, and development of children.
  • Welcome children and parents, supporting the child’s development at their own pace.
  • Assist in verbal development in French and help babies with physical discoveries.
  • Support children in daily activities such as meals, hygiene, sleep, and play.
  • Foster autonomy, self-confidence, and adherence to social rules.
  • Maintain a clean and safe environment for children.
  • Prepare bottles and follow care protocols.
  • Communicate relevant information to colleagues, parents, and the management team.
  • Observe and report on children's health and progress.
  • Lead and prepare activities in collaboration with the nursery manager.
  • Participate in weekly team meetings.

Initial Training and Required Knowledge:

  • Preschool professional training
  • Ability to identify signs related to the child’s needs
  • Knowledge of hygiene and safety rules associated with child care
  • Understanding of ergonomics and manual handling principles
183-183A Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 15
Quận Bình Thạnh, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Việt Nam
12/12/2024 06:05:05